
The Positive Massage Technique

Positive Massage Programme for Wellbeing

The Positive Massage Programme is an evidence based research project being undertaken by Sayuri M Naruse, a visiting researcher at Northumbria University. Her current research focus is on the effect of non-professional massage on stress-coping mechanisms and wellbeing among couples. She believes that her research will benefit wellbeing among a wide range of population groups by a cost-effective, relationship-focused intervention that serves as a useful tool for 'selves-care' (a new term coined by Sayuri, defined as health activity to simultaneously care for a loved one and oneself).

Positive Massage is a systemic simple unique massage style fused from Eastern and Western techniques with a focus on the easy accessibility and usability for close relationships. It was originally formulated as ‘Peace Massage’ by Sayuri and delivered from 2010 for people age 50+ at a charity in the West End of Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK. It has been developed and refined for her research project for more effective education and renamed as ‘Positive Massage’ in 2015.